Zach May-June 2009 click here to see pictures of our visit to Toronto (late June - early July 2009)

"Yike turtles, Daddy" 05/02/09

Zach asleep with all his buddies :=D 05/07/09

Helping Daddy wash the car 05/07/09

Fun in the sand box 05/07/09

Happy Mother's Day :=> 05/10/09


"Wap Zach up yike a hamburger, Daddy!" 05/10/09

Mamman, Zach et son ami Tristan sur le pont 05/19/09

Zach & Tristan in a real live BACKHOE! 05/19/09

Zach @ Abbotts' BBQ 05/25/09


The three musketeers - Jack, Mia & Zach 05/25/09

(Same three musketeers, two years ago ! 06/27/07)

I love how Mia is looking at Zach - too cute ! :=> (P.S. Zach is still saying "Cheeeese" :=D ) 05/25/09


The whole gang ! - DeLucas, Beiswengers & Abbotts @ Memorial Day BBQ 05/25/09

Zach's love affair with FAIRS begins here - at the Hatboro Fair 05/27/09

"Bumpy" cars at Hatboro Fair 05/27/09

-In a real fire truck! (outside Hatboro Fair) 05/27/09

One of zach's favourite passtimes: playing cars & trucks 05/27/09

Zach showing us his Heaven/Lord-is-in-the-Sun 'Lord Project' 05/28/09

His newest 'toy' - his very own 'seusscase' 05/28/09

"Hi, Josephine (Baker)" "Hi, Zach" 05/29/09

Zach semi-enjoying June Fete (long story..!) 06/07/09

Learning about Audis & Mustangs :=) 06/11/09

Playing 'ellesvator' in the closet :=D 06/13/09

Zach's New Church Day/Micheal's crown & shield 'Lord Project' 06/16/09

click here to see pictures of our visit to Toronto (late June - early July 2009)